




Citation Micro:
Linnaea 37: 457 (1872)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Saxofridericia aculeata
  • Saxofridericia Aculeata
  • Saxofridericia Aculeata Plant

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Saxofridericia aculeata (also called Spiny Saxofridericia, among many other common names) is an epiphytic orchid native to tropical Africa. It grows up to 15 cm in height and has a stem diameter of up to 1 cm. It is found in lowland and montane rainforest, wooded grassland, and riverine forest.

Uses & Benefits

Saxofridericia aculeata is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Saxofridericia aculeata is a white, star-shaped flower. The seed is a small, black, oblong seed. The seedlings are small, with a single pair of leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Saxofridericia aculeata is a fast-growing, deciduous tree that can reach heights of up to 30 m. It is propagated from seed or cuttings. The seeds should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist until germination. Cuttings should be taken from mature wood and planted in a well-drained soil mix. Keep the cuttings moist until they have rooted.

Where to Find Saxofridericia aculeata

Saxofridericia aculeata is native to the Mediterranean region, from the Pyrenees to the Balkans and eastward to the Caucasus.

Saxofridericia aculeata FAQ

What is the common name of Saxofridericia aculeata?

Spiny Saxofridericia

What is the natural habitat of Saxofridericia aculeata?

Tropical and subtropical forests

What is the average height of Saxofridericia aculeata?

Up to 10 m

Species in the Rapateaceae family

Amphiphyllum rigidum, Cephalostemon affinis, Cephalostemon angustatus, Cephalostemon gracilis, Cephalostemon microglochin, Cephalostemon riedelianus, Duckea cyperaceoidea, Duckea flava, Duckea junciformis, Duckea squarrosa, Epidryos allenii, Epidryos guayanensis, Epidryos micrantherus, Epidryos matheusii, Guacamaya superba, Kunhardtia radiata, Kunhardtia rhodantha, Marahuacaea schomburgkii, Maschalocephalus dinklagei, Monotrema aemulans, Monotrema affine, Monotrema arthrophyllum, Monotrema bracteatum, Monotrema xyridoides, Phelpsiella ptericaulis, Potarophytum riparium, Rapatea angustifolia, Rapatea aracamuniana, Rapatea chimantensis, Rapatea circasiana, Rapatea elongata, Rapatea fanshawei, Rapatea linearis, Rapatea longipes, Rapatea membranacea, Rapatea muaju, Rapatea paludosa, Rapatea pycnocephala, Rapatea rugulosa, Rapatea saulensis, Rapatea scabra, Rapatea spectabilis, Rapatea spruceana, Rapatea steyermarkii, Rapatea ulei, Rapatea undulata, Rapatea xiphoides, Rapatea yapacana, Saxofridericia aculeata, Saxofridericia compressa,


IPNI record: 715294-1: Originally associated with wfo-0001427368
Friedrich August Körnicke (1828-1908): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Körn.' in the authors string.
POWO record for Based on the WCVP April 2023 data release.